
This letter I write ahead of time.

Dear Emerald,

You are beautiful, you are strong, you are the brave daughter of a vibrant woman. The Africa setting of today may have changed a bit in years to come, but I need you to remain the confident and Intelligent YOU.

The typical African woman is termed DISRESPECTFUL once she refuses to be subjected to some ideas and when she has opinions. She becomes disrespectful when she tries to caution or correct the frivolous spending of her man. Africans term her disrespectful when she greets her male friends with a hug in the presence of her husband. Then I began to wonder do I give them handshake in his presence and behind him give them a hug. I wonder why our continent celebrate hypocrisy.

Dear daughter, the African woman is tagged a NAGGING woman only because she yearns to see a change…

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